Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Continuing to work on my final presentation...

Continuing to work on my final presentation...

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

site plan
First floor Plan

 Third floor Plan

 Section 1
 Section 2
 Section 3
 Elevation 1

Elevation 3

Monday, December 10, 2012

More Floor Plan Development

I started to develop the First floor plan and section. What you can see in the section are the several rooms that are placed UNDER the stage. with a ceiling height of 8 feet.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Floor Plans 2 + 3

i am in the process of developing some of my floor plans... i started with floor plans 2 + 3 because i wanted to begin building in walls for the piano rooms and recording studio's

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I have decided to work with the model that is expressing flow or fluidity. The model shows the general potential spaces my building type should have, such as a theater, central corridor and small auditorium. etc.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Concept Models

Based on the collages, i have created several concept models

These are the concept models that i have created for "Motion"

The first four pictures represent how an element can flow/ cascade freely within a space

 This model represents how the motion of an element can be manipulated and we start to see shadow creating voids

This next set of concept models were created for my "Connection" collage.

These next set of pictures are my impression of a performing arts theater.

The first model represents a person and how the body can move in a liquid way.

 This concept shows how a link of people can be hoisted or lifted in the air in a performance.